P-Series Hexapods Perform A Variety of Machining Operations.
Industrial Applications
Industrial applications can cover a wide range of uses, but they all have one thing in common: motion. From simply picking up a part here and depositing it there, to micro-positioning; if a part needs to move, a Mikrolar product can do it.
It is common to use our products both in assembly lines and as stand alone applications. With other conventional robots, adjustments to these stations often requires shutting down the entire line to re-tool for a different part to be done. With the flexibility of a Parallel Mechanism your tooling might never need to be moved again.
With our 6-Degrees-of-Freedom products, we can handle any motion that your application requires. These include, but are certainly not limited to:
Part Positioning in conjunction with a Vision System
Imagine an operation where, when a new part is presented into the station, your motion platform can align each part individually. With the addition of a vision system, adjustments can also be made in real time, without operator input, for inconsistencies in part manufacture or misalignment due to fixturing. With part identification there would not even need to be any order to the parts coming in. The system itself identifies the part and performs the appropriate operation.
The Original P2000 Hexapod.