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Geometric Design

P3350 Hexapod

2,600 lb

1,180 kg


25 in ø

 635 mm ø

Working Volume (X,Y)

27 in

 694 mm

Working Volume (Z)

0.006 in

150 µm


Mikrolar P3350 Hexapod


The P3350 Hexapod can be configured to handle a variety of challenging speed, payload, and accuracy applications. This system design is often used for heavy duty simulation applications. 

While maintaining all of the benefits of our other P-Series Hexapods (rigidity, repeatability, accuracy, six degrees of freedom, etc), the P3350 is an upgraded model built for heavier loads. ​By using stronger ballscrews and motors in our A2000 actuators, the P3350 has faster acceleration and a considerably higher weight capacity compared to both our P2100 and P2350 models. It's perfect for applications that require accuracy, rigidity, and repeatability despite hefty conditions.

This model design is ideal for large simulation applications because of its high payload capacity. For instance, the example shown in the video below was a system designed as a Lunar Lander Simulator for NASA Johnson Space Center. Whether you are looking for a Lunar Lander, Driving Simulator, High Frequency Testing, or really any kind of 6 DOF testing; Mikrolar's R & P Series Simulators can be configured to handle even the most challenging applications.

All of our robots use the same core software; how you communicate with them is up to you. With the use of the same simple user interface as every other Mikrolar robot, you will find operating and programming this Hexapod to be both simple and straight-forward. Whether you wish to use a language you are already familiar with such as G-code, or you require a custom designed solution such as feedback from exterior measuring devices, Mikrolar can write a custom interface to suit your specific application. 


Integrating our standard software into custom control solutions or various environments is common. If it is preferred, we can help customers with their application environment or special needs.

P3350 Hexapod

# of Axes



2,195.8 x 2,011.4 mm

Height (Loading)

1,171.7 mm

Table Top Size

1,759 mm ø

Mechanical Weight

1,050.6 kg


Max Translation (X,Y)

635 mm ø

Max Heave (Z)

694 mm

Pitch and Roll (A,B)

± 30°

Yaw (C)

± 45°

Motion Speed

X,Y,Z - 610 mm/s

Continuous Force / Actuator

534 kg

Max Force / Actuator

1,602 kg


150 μm


± 300 μm

Ambient Temperature

0 to 45°C

Mechanical Brakes

All Axes

Power Requirements

208/230V, 100A

Environmental Spec


NASA Johnson Space Center Lunar Lander Sim.

Draper Labs / Blue Origin Lunar Lander Sim
with Integrated 7th Axis.


Two riders using moon landing simulator at draper labs

Draper Labs
Lunar Lander

Call Us: (603) 617-2508

Located: 7 Scott Rd, Ste 5

Hampton, NH USA 03842

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